We are TWENTY-THREE DAYS away from our 3rd annual Angels Among Us (AAU) @AngelsAmongUsBT on April 30th in honor and memory of our beloved Derek, who passed away on April 17, 2019, from glioblastoma. We are $1,649.00 away from reaching our goal of raising $10,000.00! Thank you!
For more information, visit our D-Rex Defenders team page at http://dccc.convio.net/goto/DRex There, you can register for the 5k Run, the Walk for Hope and/or to donate to the D-Rex Defenders. The 5k starts at 8:00 am and the Walk of HOPE is at 11:15 am on Duke Campus. Your gift will support brain cancer research being done at The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke Hospital in Durham, where Derek spent months seeking treatment. Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer related deaths in children (yes children!) and now the leading cause of cancer related deaths in men, ages 20-39. The median survival rate for people diagnosed with glioblastoma is 8 months. THIS MUST CHANGE!
We thank you so much! We hope to see you out there if you can make it!
Much Love,
Derek's family